6. Supporting Education

Growing up locally and attending Plymouth High School for Girls, Rebecca cares deeply about improving life chances for young people in South West Devon.

Rebecca is rapidly building close relationships with each of the 37 schools in her constituency. She speaks at school assemblies, hosts school classes in Parliament and runs a popular work experience programme to share her work as a constituency MP and help open doors for young people. Rebecca also runs an annual Christmas card competition, inviting primary schoolchildren to submit their designs.

Rebecca is one of the most active new MPs in Parliament and regularly asks Ministers questions and delivers speeches on education policy. Listening to constituents' concerns about the Government's Children's Wellbeing and Schools Bill, the South West Devon MP has raised pressing questions about the axing of Academies (a status held by all secondary schools in the constituency), excessive red tape for home educators, and supported lodgings for care leavers.

Understanding the need to create a skilled local workforce, Rebecca is a strong supporter of apprenticeships. She has met with and continues to lobby the Defence Secretary for skills investment to support Devonport Dockyard's £1bn submarine maintenance role.

View recent articles on Rebecca's work to support education in South West Devon below.


Work experience

Rebecca offers a range of work experience options for constituents in South West Devon. You must be at least 16 at the time of applying. No experience is necessary.

Final call for South West Devon's Christmas Card Competition

The Arts are often the first to take the hit when schools face stretched time and resources. For more than 20 years Artsmark have helped support teachers across 4,000 schools in England with the tools they need to embed arts, culture and creativity across the whole curriculum.

Rebecca meets Girlguides in Parliament

Earlier this month I met with local girl guides in Parliament for International Day of the Girl.South West Devon has three Girlguiding divisions in Plym, Plympton and Erme Valley which I look forward to working with closely on future community projects.

Rebecca launches 2024 Christmas Card Competition

The festive season is upon us (almost)! Rebecca has launched her 2024 Christmas Card Competition, writing to every primary school in South West Devon to invite children from across the constituency to submit their Christmas-themed designs.

Rebecca hosts family hubs event in Parliament

Have you heard of family hubs?At least 87 local councils across the country now have one. They are designed to support families to raise their children from 0-19 years old (and 25 years old if living with SEND).Here in South West Devon, we have one at the Rees Centre Wellbeing Hub in Plympton.

Rebecca poses an education question

Last Monday’s Education Questions provided the perfect opportunity to raise the work to promote apprenticeships by local Plympton business, Aldermans Tooling.We have a proud tradition of manufacturing in many parts of South West Devon and ensuring we have a skilled workforce for the future is key.Ne